Auto Accident

Road-Rage Leads to Car Accident

Source: WSB-TV 2

Car crashes in Georgia are a regular and tragic occurrence. Wrecks can happen anywhere, and at any time, often with a very little warning to the victim. They happen at high speeds and low speeds, on congested city streets and in parking lots, on public property and private property. In most accidents, though, the root cause is careless driving. 

An April 2019 WSB-TV 2 reports the incident that took place in Henry County: “four people were detained and three were hospitalized following what police called a road-rage collision and possible attempted shooting in Stockbridge”.


Other Common Types of Auto Accidents in Georgia

  • Rear-end collision
  • Accidents caused by failure to yield
  • Sideswipe or T-bone collision
  • Head-on collision
  • Accidents caused by a vehicle moving in reverse
  • Drunk driving accidents
  • Distracted driving accidents (e.g., texting behind the wheel)
  • Hit-and-run / pedestrian accidents
  • Blind spot accidents
  • No-contract collisions (e.g., one driver’s bad behavior causes another to swerve and hit a tree, even though the two vehicles never made a contract)

This isn’t an exclusive list. In most accidents, though, the root cause is careless driving. The law holds negligent drivers and their insurance companies financially liable for the damages that they cause.


Our suggestion

As you can see from the above list, dangerous drivers are everywhere. On top of that, the insurance companies in this state are all too happy to take those drivers’ money, promise to insure them, and then refuse to pay when the time comes.

In fact, it is now common practice in this country for insurance companies to default to a “deny and defend” policy, which means that they automatically shortchange or altogether deny injury claims, often without even conducting a real review. They figure that you’ll have to sue them to make them pay, and they’re betting on the fact that many victims won’t hire a lawyer.

They’re right about that – a lot of accident victims mistakenly assume that they can’t afford a car accident and injury lawyer, or that they don’t have much of a case. Please don’t make that mistake.

If you’ve been in a vehicle accident in The Peach State, pick up the phone and call the experienced Georgia auto accident attorneys at T. Madden & Associates, P.C. (or simply contact us online).

We’ll listen to your story, look at the facts of the case, and help you decide whether legal action might be worth pursuing. We find that clients are often surprised to learn that they are legally entitled to more money (sometimes much more) than they realized.

About the author

T. Madden and Associates, P.C.

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